Saturday, February 5, 2011

Norwich GL111 Term Project Introductions

As part of our Introduction to Oceanography class this Spring 2011 semester at Norwich University, our group will be researching and presenting on plants and animals that live in an ecosystem called the 'Subtidal Soft Bottom'.

We have three group members:
Bryce, a Junior majoring in Political Science, is researching Invertebrate (Uca pugnax, commonly known as the Fiddler Crab), Matt, a Junior majoring in Criminal Justice is researching Phytoplankton (Ceratium furca), and William, a Sophomore majoring in Criminal Justice is researching Vertebrate (Pseudopleuronectes americanus, also known as the flounder).

Each member of our group will be reporting on a different marine organism that lives in the subtidal soft bottom ecosystem. One will be a zooplankton, one a phytoplankton, and one a marine invertebrate.

As part of an integrated approach, we will be researching how our organisms interact with the other aspects of the ocean system (geological, physical, and chemical).


  1. Hi! My name is Professor Harris. I am the teacher for this class. I will be checking in with the group from time to time. Hopefully you enjoy learning about this marine ecosystem and some of the organisms that live there as much as we do! If you have any questions, send them our way!

  2. My name is Bryce and I will be researching invertebrate for this project! I'm a Political Science major with a Chinese minor, and I'm looking forward to researching invertebrate in the Subtidal Soft Bottom!

  3. My name is Matt and I will be researching phytoplankton for this project. I'm a junior and criminal justice major. I like every type of fishing and riding my dirt bike.

  4. My name is will i am a criminal justice major. I will be researching vertebrates for this project.
